Unlock Pizza Perfection: SmartPoints on Weight Watchers

Here’s a potential introductory paragraph for your article on Unlock Pizza Perfection: SmartPoints on Weight Watchers: The eternal quest for pizza perfection has finally met its match: Weight Watchers’ SmartPoints system. For pizza lovers on a diet, the thought of giving up a slice (or two, or three) of that gooey, cheesy, crispy goodness can be a daunting one. But fear not, fellow pizza enthusiasts! With Weight Watchers’ SmartPoints system, you can now indulge in your favorite pizza without sacrificing your weight loss goals. In this article, we’ll unlock the secrets of calculating SmartPoints for pizza, revealing the clever ways to make your pizza cravings align with your healthy eating habits. From classic margherita to meat-lovers and everything in between, we’ll demystify the process of counting SmartPoints for pizza and show you how to make the perfect pie that satisfies both your taste buds and your diet. I hope this helps! I used bold text to highlight the main message of the article and italics to add emphasis and structure to the text. Let me know if you have any further requests or changes.

1. Unleashing Pizza Perfection: Weight Watchers SmartPoints Unlock Culinary Bliss

Unlock Pizza Perfection: SmartPoints on Weight Watchers

Unleashing Pizza Perfection: Weight Watchers SmartPoints Unlock Culinary Bliss

Are you craving the savory flavors and crispy crust of a perfectly crafted pizza, but worried about blowing your diet? Look no further! With Weight Watchers’ revolutionary SmartPoints system, you can indulge in your favorite pizza without sacrificing your weight loss goals.

How it Works

Weight Watchers’ SmartPoints system assigns a point value to every food, based on its calorie, protein, fat, and fiber content. By tracking your daily SmartPoints, you can ensure you’re staying within your daily limit. The system also assigns a point value to each food based on its “Speed Foods” level, with higher-speed foods like fruits and veggies being lower in points.

Pizza Perfection

With Weight Watchers’ SmartPoints system, you can easily create your own pizza creations while staying within your daily limit. Here’s a simple recipe to get you started:

Weight Watchers’ SmartPoints Pizza

  • Crust: 1 slice whole wheat pita (2 points)
  • Sauce: 1/4 cup low-sugar marinara sauce (0 points)
  • Cheese: 1/4 cup part-skim mozzarella shredded cheese (1 point)
  • Toppings: 1/2 cup roasted vegetables (bell peppers, onions, mushrooms) (0 points)
  • Seasoning: 1/4 teaspoon dried oregano (0 points)

Total SmartPoints: 3 points

This pizza creation not only satisfies your cravings but also provides a balanced mix of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. With the SmartPoints system, you can experiment with different toppings and combinations to find your perfect pizza.

Unlock Culinary Bliss

By using Weight Watchers’ SmartPoints system, you can enjoy your favorite foods, including pizza, without the guilt. With the system’s flexibility and ease of use, you’ll be able to indulge in your cravings while still reaching your weight loss goals.

In Conclusion

Unleash your inner pizza chef and discover the perfect blend of flavor and nutrition with Weight Watchers’ SmartPoints system. Whether you’re a pizza lover or a busy bee on-the-go, this revolutionary system makes it easy to create delicious, healthy meals that satisfy your cravings. So go ahead, get creative, and indulge in the culinary bliss of a perfectly crafted pizza – without the fear of blowing your diet!

2. Savoring Pizza with SmartPoints: A Weight Watchers Paradise

2. Savoring Pizza with SmartPoints: A Weight Watchers Paradise

Savoring Pizza with SmartPoints: A Weight Watchers Paradise

As a Weight Watchers member, you’re probably thrilled to know that you can enjoy your favorite foods, including pizza, without sacrificing your weight loss goals. And the best part? You can do it all while tracking your SmartPoints!

The SmartPoints System: A Game-Changer for Pizza Lovers

The SmartPoints system is a clever way to calculate the nutritional value of your food. By assigning a point value to each food item based on its calorie, protein, fat, and fiber content, you can make informed choices about what to eat and how much to eat. When it comes to pizza, this system becomes particularly interesting.

A Slice of Heaven: Pizza with SmartPoints

With a typical slice of pizza ranging from 300 to 500 calories, it’s no surprise that pizza lovers often feel at a loss when trying to track their SmartPoints. But fear not! By making a few simple tweaks to your pizza order, you can enjoy a delicious and guilt-free slice (or two).

  • Choose whole-wheat crust: Opting for a whole-wheat crust can significantly reduce your SmartPoints. This upgrade can save you up to 50% of your daily allowance!
  • Go light on toppings: Selecting healthier toppings like vegetables, lean protein, and herbs can further reduce your SmartPoints. Avoid pizza sauces, garlic knots, and extra cheese, as these can add up quickly.
  • Keep portion sizes in check: Remember that tracking is key! Make sure to track your slice size and toppings to ensure you’re staying within your daily SmartPoints limit.

Pizza Night, Weight Watchers Style

With the SmartPoints system, you can enjoy pizza night with friends and family without feeling like you’re missing out. By making informed choices and tracking your points, you can indulge in your favorite food without sacrificing your weight loss goals.

So go ahead, join your friends for pizza night, and don’t worry about the calories. With SmartPoints tracking your back, you’ll be savoring every bite knowing you’re on the path to a healthier, happier you.

3. Pizza Perfection, Simplified: Navigating Weight Watchers SmartPoints

3. Pizza Perfection, Simplified: Navigating Weight Watchers SmartPoints

Pizza Perfection, Simplified: Navigating Weight Watchers SmartPoints

When it comes to satisfying your pizza cravings while still staying on track with your weight loss journey, it can be challenging to navigate the world of Weight Watchers SmartPoints. But fear not, dear pizza lovers! With this guide, you’ll learn how to make your favorite pie guilt-free and delicious, all while keeping those pesky SmartPoints in check.

Understanding SmartPoints

Before we dive into the pizza perfection, let’s take a quick refresher on what SmartPoints are. SmartPoints is a system developed by Weight Watchers to help members track their food intake and make healthier choices. Each food item is assigned a point value based on its calorie, protein, fiber, and sugar content. The goal is to stay within your daily point allowance and make sure your diet is balanced and nutritious.

Simplifying Pizza SmartPoints

Now that we’ve got the basics covered, let’s talk about pizza! With a few simple tips and tricks, you can enjoy your favorite pizza while keeping those SmartPoints in check.

  • Choose a whole-wheat crust: Swapping your traditional white flour crust for a whole-wheat one can save you a whopping 4 SmartPoints!
  • Go light on the cheese: A sprinkle of mozzarella is okay, but be mindful of how much you’re using. A quarter cup of shredded mozzarella is around 2 SmartPoints.
  • Load up on veggies: Add some extra veggies like bell peppers, onions, and mushrooms to boost the fiber and nutrient content of your pizza. This can save you around 1-2 SmartPoints depending on the toppings.
  • Opt for a homemade crust: Making your own crust from scratch can save you around 2 SmartPoints compared to buying a pre-made crust.


With these simple tips, you can enjoy your favorite pizza without sacrificing your weight loss goals. Remember to always track your SmartPoints and make sure you’re staying within your daily allowance. Happy pizza making, and don’t forget to stay on track!

4. The Art of Pizza Mastery with Weight Watchers SmartPoints

4. The Art of Pizza Mastery with Weight Watchers SmartPoints

The Art of Pizza Mastery with Weight Watchers SmartPoints

As a pizza lover, you’re probably aware that indulging in this tasty treat can be detrimental to your weight loss goals. However, with Weight Watchers SmartPoints, you can enjoy your favorite pizza in moderation without sacrificing your hard-earned progress. In this article, we’ll dive into the art of pizza mastery, providing you with the tools and tips to create a healthy and delicious pizza that fits your dietary needs.

Understanding Weight Watchers SmartPoints

Before we dive into the world of pizza, let’s quickly review Weight Watchers SmartPoints. This system assigns a point value to foods based on their calorie, protein, fat, and carbohydrate content. The goal is to stay within a daily point allowance, which varies depending on your individual needs and goals.

Pizza Math: A Simple Formula

To create a pizza that fits within your daily point allowance, follow this simple formula:

  1. Crust: Choose a whole-grain crust or a cauliflower crust to reduce carbs and points. A whole-grain crust is approximately 2-3 points per slice, while a cauliflower crust is around 1-2 points per slice.
  2. Sauce: Select a low-sugar tomato sauce or a pesto sauce for a lower-point alternative. A tablespoon of tomato sauce is approximately 1 point, while a tablespoon of pesto is around 2 points.
  3. Toppings: Load up on your favorite toppings, but be mindful of the points they add. Some high-point toppings include pepperoni (4-5 points per slice), sausage (5-6 points per slice), and bacon (4-5 points per slice). Opt for lower-point toppings like mushrooms (0-1 point per slice), bell peppers (0-1 point per slice), and onions (0-1 point per slice).
  4. Cheese: Goat cheese or feta cheese are lower-point alternatives to traditional mozzarella. A slice of mozzarella cheese is approximately 3-4 points, while a slice of goat cheese or feta is around 2-3 points.

Tips for Pizza Mastery

With your pizza calculations in mind, here are some additional tips to help you master the art of weight loss-friendly pizza making:

  • Portion control: Divide your pizza into smaller slices to reduce points and calories.
  • Load up on veggies: Add plenty of vegetables to increase fiber and nutrients while reducing points.
  • Opt for lean protein: Choose lean protein sources like chicken or turkey instead of processed meats.
  • Be mindful of cheese: While cheese can be delicious, it’s high in points and calories. Use it sparingly or opt for lower-point alternatives.

By following these tips and formulas, you can create a pizza that not only satisfies your cravings but also fits within your daily point allowance. Remember, pizza mastery is all about balance and moderation. Enjoy your pizza, but don’t overdo it!

5. SmartPoints Pizza Nirvana: Discovering the Perfect Balance

5. SmartPoints Pizza Nirvana: Discovering the Perfect Balance

SmartPoints Pizza Nirvana: Discovering the Perfect Balance

As we continue our journey towards optimal wellness, we’ve come to realize that even our favorite comfort foods can be a part of a healthy lifestyle. SmartPoints Pizza Nirvana is the perfect example of this, as it allows you to indulge in a classic favorite while still keeping your diet in check.

Pizza, the ultimate comfort food

Let’s face it – pizza is a staple in many of our lives. But, as much as we adore the combination of melted cheese, savory sauce, and various toppings, it’s often a food we associate with guilt and overindulgence. The good news is that, with a little creativity and a solid understanding of the SmartPoints system, you can enjoy pizza without sacrificing your health goals.

The Perfect Balance

So, what’s the secret to achieving SmartPoints Pizza Nirvana? It all comes down to finding the perfect balance between portions, ingredients, and toppings. Here are a few simple tips to help you achieve this balance:

  • Portion control: Stick to a smaller serving size to keep your calorie count in check.
  • Smart protein options: Choose lean protein sources like chicken or turkey pepperoni over traditional pepperoni.
  • Load up on veggies: Add an abundance of vegetables like mushrooms, bell peppers, and onions to increase the nutritional value of your pizza.
  • Hold the cheese (a little): While a sprinkle of cheese can’t be beat, try using a lighter layer or opting for a dairy-free alternative.
  • Be mindful of the crust: Choose a whole-grain crust or try a cauliflower crust for a lower-carb option.

By following these simple tips, you can enjoy a delicious, guilt-free pizza experience that satisfies both your cravings and your dietary needs. The perfect balance is not only achievable, but it’s also essential for making healthy, sustainable lifestyle changes.

Remember, it’s all about finding the sweet spot where you can indulge in your favorite foods without sacrificing your health goals. With SmartPoints Pizza Nirvana, you can have your pizza and eat it too – as long as you’re mindful of the perfect balance.

6. Pizza Perfection Meets SmartPoints: A Symphony of Flavors

6. Pizza Perfection Meets SmartPoints: A Symphony of Flavors

Introducing the Perfect Blend: Pizza Perfection Meets SmartPoints

When it comes to satisfying your cravings, pizza is often the go-to option. But, what happens when you combine the perfect blend of flavors with the principles of SmartPoints? You get a symphony of taste and nutrition that will leave you wanting more!

The Pizza Perfection Formula

To achieve the perfect balance, we’ve developed a formula that combines the classic pizza elements with the versatility of SmartPoints. Our recipe starts with a crispy, thin crust made from whole-wheat flour, garlic, and a hint of olive oil. Next, we add a layer of creamy sauce infused with rich, ripe tomatoes and a sprinkle of sugar to balance out the acidity.

The Flavor Fusion

Now it’s time to add the star of the show: the cheese! A blend of melted mozzarella, parmesan, and ricotta creates a creamy, velvety texture that’s simply divine. And for an added layer of excitement, we sprinkle a blend of fresh herbs such as basil, oregano, and thyme to give it an aromatic boost.

SmartPoints Take Center Stage

But what truly sets our pizza apart is the incorporation of SmartPoints. Using a combination of fresh vegetables and lean protein sources, we’ve created a pizza that’s not only delicious but also nutritious. Our toppings include crispy, roasted bell peppers, succulent, grilled chicken, and the perfect amount of creamy, low-fat feta cheese.

The Perfect Combination

When you take a bite of this pizza masterpiece, the flavors meld together in perfect harmony. The crispy crust gives way to a rich, savory sauce, which is balanced by the creaminess of the cheese. And with SmartPoints, you can enjoy your pizza guilt-free, knowing that you’re fueling your body with the nutrients it needs.

Experience the Symphony

So, why settle for just any pizza when you can have a masterpiece? Try our signature pizza today and taste the difference for yourself. With its perfect blend of flavors and SmartPoints, this pizza is sure to become your new favorite – and your taste buds will thank you!

7. Embracing Pizza Indulgence with Weight Watchers SmartPoints

7. Embracing Pizza Indulgence with Weight Watchers SmartPoints

Embracing Pizza Indulgence with Weight Watchers SmartPoints

As a Weight Watchers member, you may think that indulging in pizza is off-limits. But, with the NEW Weight Watchers SmartPoints system, you can enjoy your favorite pizza while still reaching your weight loss goals. Let’s dive in and learn how to embrace pizza indulgence with Weight Watchers SmartPoints.

|_ Understanding SmartPoints|

Weight Watchers SmartPoints is a simple and flexible system that assigns a point value to foods based on their protein, fiber, and fat content. The more nutritious the food, the fewer points it earns. You are assigned a daily SmartPoints budget, which you can use to make food choices throughout the day.

|_ Pizza, the Perfect Treat|

Pizza is a great treat option because it is a filling and satisfying food that can be made healthy with a few simple adjustments. Here are some tips to make your pizza night a little more guilt-free:

  • Choose whole-wheat crust: Substitute regular pizza crust with a whole-wheat version to increase the fiber content.
  • Load up on veggies: Add plenty of vegetables such as mushrooms, bell peppers, and onions to increase the nutrient density.
  • Go easy on the cheese: While cheese can be high in points, you can still enjoy it in moderation. Try using a lighter layer or opting for a dairy-free alternative.
  • Select a protein-rich topping: Choose a topping that is high in protein, such as chicken or turkey, to help keep you full.

    |_ Calculating Pizza Points|

To calculate the points for your pizza, you’ll need to know the point values for the ingredients you use. Here’s a rough estimate of the points for a homemade pizza:

  • 1 serving (1/4 of the pizza): 8-12 SmartPoints
  • 1 slice: 4-6 SmartPoints

By tracking your points and staying within your daily budget, you can enjoy your pizza indulgence guilt-free.

|_ Conclusion|

In conclusion, embracing pizza indulgence with Weight Watchers SmartPoints is all about making smart food choices. By choosing whole-wheat crust, loading up on veggies, going easy on the cheese, and selecting protein-rich toppings, you can enjoy your favorite pizza while still reaching your weight loss goals. So go ahead, treat yourself to a slice (or two), and remember that with Weight Watchers SmartPoints, you can have your pizza and eat it too!

8. The Ultimate Pizza Guide for Weight Watchers SmartPoints Enthusiasts

8. The Ultimate Pizza Guide for Weight Watchers SmartPoints Enthusiasts

The Ultimate Pizza Guide for Weight Watchers SmartPoints Enthusiasts

Are you a pizza lover trying to stick to your Weight Watchers SmartPoints diet? Do you crave a delicious, cheesy pie that won’t derail your weight loss journey? Look no further! In this guide, we’ll explore the world of pizza and provide you with the ultimate tips and tricks for making a SmartPoints-friendly pizza that you’ll love.

Understanding SmartPoints

Before we dive into the pizza guide, let’s take a quick refresher on Weight Watchers SmartPoints. SmartPoints is a system that assigns a point value to foods based on their calorie, protein, fat, and fiber content. This system helps you make healthier choices and stay within your daily point allowance. With a little creativity, you can enjoy your favorite treats, including pizza!

Choosing the Right Crust

The crust is the foundation of a great pizza, and fortunately, there are many SmartPoints-friendly options. Here are a few ideas:

  • Whole wheat crust (1-2 SmartPoints): Look for a whole wheat crust made with 100% whole wheat flour. You can find this type of crust at many grocery stores or make your own at home.
  • Cauliflower crust (0-1 SmartPoints): Cauliflower crust is a game-changer for low-carb pizzas. Simply cook cauliflower, mix with cheese and egg, and bake until crispy.
  • Gluten-free crust (2-3 SmartPoints): If you’re gluten-intolerant or prefer a gluten-free option, look for a gluten-free crust made with rice flour or corn flour.

Loading Up on Toppings

Now that you have your crust, it’s time to add the toppings! Here are some SmartPoints-friendly toppings to try:

  • Veggies (0-1 SmartPoints): Mushrooms, bell peppers, onions, and olives are all low in points and add plenty of flavor.
  • Protein (2-3 SmartPoints): Lean protein sources like chicken, turkey, or veggie meatballs are great additions to your pizza.
  • Cheese (2-3 SmartPoints): While cheese can be high in points, a sprinkle of part-skim mozzarella or reduced-fat cheddar can add plenty of flavor without breaking the bank.

Putting it All Together

With your crust and toppings, it’s time to put it all together! Here are some pizza combinations that are sure to satisfy your cravings:

  • Veggie Delight (4-5 SmartPoints): Cauliflower crust topped with veggies, part-skim mozzarella, and a sprinkle of parmesan.
  • Chick-a-Pie (6-7 SmartPoints): Whole wheat crust topped with chicken, mushrooms, bell peppers, and mozzarella.
  • Mediterranean Mash-Up (7-8 SmartPoints): Gluten-free crust topped with turkey meatballs, olives, feta cheese, and a sprinkle of oregano.

Remember, with SmartPoints, it’s all about balance and moderation. By making a few small changes to your pizza, you can enjoy a delicious, guilt-free pie that fits within your daily point allowance. Happy pizza making!

9. Pizza Perfection Unveiled: Unveiling the Secrets of Weight Watchers SmartPoints

9. Pizza Perfection Unveiled: Unveiling the Secrets of Weight Watchers SmartPoints

Pizza Perfection Unveiled: Unveiling the Secrets of Weight Watchers SmartPoints

Are you a pizza lover struggling to make healthier choices without sacrificing taste? Look no further! In this article, we’ll dive into the secrets of Weight Watchers SmartPoints, revealing the formula for creating the perfect pizza that not only satisfies your cravings but also fits within your diet plan.

The Science Behind SmartPoints

Weight Watchers’ SmartPoints system is based on a complex algorithm that assigns points to foods based on their calorie, protein, fat, and fiber content. When it comes to pizza, the key is to strike a balance between these four components to achieve a lower SmartPoints score. But how do you do that?

Crust: The Base of a Perfect Pizza

The crust is often the culprit when it comes to piling on unwanted calories. Opt for a whole-grain crust to increase the fiber content and reduce the SmartPoints score. A smaller crust size also contributes to a lower overall score.

Toppings: The Art of Balance

Toppings can make or break the SmartPoints score of your pizza. Include a balance of protein, healthy fats, and fiber-rich vegetables to create a harmonious combination. Some topping options that will help you achieve a lower score include:

  • Vegetables like bell peppers, onions, and mushrooms
  • Lean protein sources like chicken, turkey, or grilled shrimp
  • Healthy fats like olive oil, avocado, or feta cheese

The Perfect Combination

Now that you know the secrets to creating the perfect pizza, it’s time to bring it all together. Try pairing a whole-grain crust with mushroom and bell pepper toppings and a sprinkle of feta cheese. This combination not only satisfies your cravings but also fits within the Weight Watchers SmartPoints system.

With these secrets revealed, you’re one step closer to achieving pizza perfection. Don’t sacrifice taste for diet restrictions – with the right combination of ingredients, you can indulge in a delicious pizza that’s both healthy and satisfying.

10. Achieving Pizza Paradise with Weight Watchers SmartPoints

10. Achieving Pizza Paradise with Weight Watchers SmartPoints

Achieving Pizza Paradise with Weight Watchers SmartPoints

Who says you can’t have pizza on a diet? With Weight Watchers SmartPoints, you can enjoy your favorite pizza without sacrificing your weight loss goals. Here’s a guide to help you achieve pizza paradise with Weight Watchers SmartPoints:

Understanding SmartPoints

Before diving into pizza, let’s briefly discuss Weight Watchers’ SmartPoints system. SmartPoints are a new, more detailed points system that takes into account the nutritional value of each food item. The system awards points based on the protein, fat, carbohydrates, and fiber content of each food.

Pizza Point Calculations

To calculate the SmartPoints for a pizza, you need to consider the crust, sauce, cheese, and toppings. A standard 12-inch pizza crust has approximately 4-5 SmartPoints. The sauce has about 1 SmartPoint, and a slice of mozzarella cheese has 3-4 SmartPoints.

Topping It Up

Now, it’s time to think about toppings! Here are some approximate SmartPoints values for common pizza toppings:

  • Pepperoni: 4-5 SmartPoints per slice
  • Sausage: 5-6 SmartPoints per slice
  • Mushrooms: 2-3 SmartPoints per cup
  • Onions: 2-3 SmartPoints per cup
  • Bell peppers: 2-3 SmartPoints per cup

Pizza Perfection

To create a delicious and low-SmartPoints pizza, consider the following tips:

  • Choose a whole-wheat crust or a cauliflower crust for a lower-carb option
  • Use a light layer of sauce and cheese to reduce points
  • Opt for lean protein sources like turkey pepperoni or chicken
  • Add veggies for extra fiber and nutrients
  • Limit your toppings to keep points in check


Achieving pizza paradise with Weight Watchers SmartPoints requires a little creativity and planning. By understanding the SmartPoints system and making smart topping choices, you can enjoy a delicious and satisfying pizza while still reaching your weight loss goals. Remember to keep your crust, sauce, and cheese in check, and don’t be afraid to get creative with your toppings! With a little practice, you’ll be a pizza-making pro in no time.

Here’s a conclusion paragraph and 5 unique FAQs for the blog post:

In conclusion, achieving pizza perfection on Weight Watchers is not only possible, but also delicious and satisfying. By understanding SmartPoints values and making informed choices, you can indulge in your favorite pizzas while staying on track with your weight loss goals. Whether you’re a pizza enthusiast or a beginner, this guide has equipped you with the knowledge to create a mouth-watering and healthy pizza that fits within your daily SmartPoints allowance. So go ahead, fire up your oven, and unlock your perfect pizza!


Q: Can I still enjoy pizza if I have a high SmartPoints allowance?
A: Absolutely! While it’s great to be mindful of your SmartPoints allowance, it’s equally important to enjoy your food. If you have a higher SmartPoints allowance, you can still indulge in your favorite pizzas knowing that you have the extra points to spare.

Q: How do I track the SmartPoints values of my pizza toppings?
A: To make tracking easier, keep a list of common pizza toppings with their corresponding SmartPoints values. You can also use the Weight Watchers app or website to quickly look up the values of specific ingredients. Additionally, try to stick to toppings with lower SmartPoints values, such as vegetables and lean meats.

Q: Can I make pizza at home and still enjoy it on Weight Watchers?
A: Yes! Making pizza at home is a great way to control the ingredients and SmartPoints values. Try using whole-wheat crusts, loading up on veggies, and opting for lean meats or plant-based alternatives. You can also get creative with your toppings and try new combinations to stay within your daily allowance.

Q: Are certain types of pizza crusts better for Weight Watchers than others?
A: Yes, when it comes to crusts, look for whole-grain or cauliflower-based options. These tend to have lower SmartPoints values compared to traditional white flour crusts. You can also consider making your own crusts from scratch using whole-grain flours to minimize added ingredients and sugar.

Q: Can I freeze leftover pizza for later and still track my SmartPoints?
A: Absolutely! Freezing leftover pizza is a great way to enjoy your pizza while staying on track. Simply reheat your pizza and track the SmartPoints value of the portion you eat. Remember to note the SmartPoints value of any reheated leftovers in your Weight Watchers journal to stay accurate with your tracking.

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